What’s more important when applying for a mortgage: excellent credit or 20% down payment?
The size of your down payment could be just as important as your credit score in getting an affordable mortgage.
written by Megan DeMatteo
Buying a new home involves lots of decisions for both the buyers and the mortgage lenders — and it all begins with financing.
Your main focus when buying a home should be securing a mortgage with low interest rates and a monthly payment that fits into your budget. To make it easier, experts recommend cleaning up your credit report and boosting your credit score before applying for a mortgage and saving up for a considerable down payment. You may also check out the Novae H.O.M.E. program that includes credit assistance as well as a wealth of home buying resources.
But it’s not always clear how big your down payment should be. Traditionally, homebuyers hear they must be able to put 20% down, but depending on where you live and what kind of mortgage you get, you might not need that much.
Yet there’s still one major...